6 Days Before Passover -Day DOES NOT begin at Dawn!

The Seven Trials of Yeshuah (Jesus):

Among most Christians the course of the Saviour’s last hours lasted only about nine hours from the moment of his capture in Bethany till his crucifixion on mount Calvary.  This view is challenged by a number of biblical facts, as he endured “seven” grueling trials, some punctuated with flogging by Roman guards.  This presentation is produced from a much larger study series, and captures the daily events from the 6th day before Passover till the 14th day of the first month–Passover.  Then from the 14th day of the first month till the Saviour’s resurrection on the first day of the week, with point by point details which have been overlooked by many scholars.  After your review, please feel free to leave your questions and or comments.

I give glory to YHWH for using Victor Houteff’s writings in their simplicity to unveil this vast vault of light which it has opened my eyes to this and many other difficult parts of Scripture, making a them so plain that even a child can understand them, though theologians stumble at their mysteries.

Power Point SlidesThe Biblical Day Examined Part-1 Sept 12-2015

Audio Presentation of the Biblical facts:

3 thoughts on “6 Days Before Passover -Day DOES NOT begin at Dawn!

  1. Hi Garrick: It’s Charlene here, and sorry that I have not been able to reply to your last emails of about 2-3 weeks ago. You and all the rest are in the same boat, as I had projects with firm deadlines. Now that is over, and I am currently working on the gospel verses from 6 days before passover for this project. Richard and I have put in about 20+ hours thus far, and we’re up to about 2 days before Passover. I could not find your charts for Acts 20, but we charted both “dawn” and “sunset” — and the sunset chart does not allow for a “tomorrow” in the next 24 hr cycle. So, not sure what you did. I listened to the Fri night Sept 18 presentation a few days later. All of this bears further investigation on everyone’s part. I’m sure you are not ready to give up yet. I did not hear what your topic for today is. Not sure if you will get this reply on time to respond. However, after being blessed with Tabernacles, we still rejoice in another Sabbath day. We have lots of studying to do even if we don’t link in this afternoon at 2:30 pm. But, we are still here, so maybe we’ll hear from you. Thanks, Garrick — Charlene & Richard Fortsch


    1. Shabbat Shalom, Charlene: It’s great hearing from you after the long hiatus.

      Today’s topic is “The Burden of Damascus and the Middle East Crisis.” I’d be delighted if you and the rest can join us.

      I did provide charts for 6 days before Passover, as well as Paul’s longest sermon. My personal computer became corrupted over Tabernacles and it at the repair shop now, should have it by next Tuesday, and I’ll upload the charts. I thought they were uploaded, but sorry for the oversight.
      Shabbat Shalom to you.


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