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Bio: I am a follower of the Lamb of YHWH (Jesus Christ or Y'shuah), and dedicate my life in pointing others to following Him.

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19 thoughts on “About

  1. Do SDA Christians believe in Replacement Theology – Are they Israel – Has Godt rejected Israel after the 490 yeasrs of Dan 9 – How do you deal with Romans Chapter 9 – 11, the 144000 Jews, the 2 Witnesses in Jerusalem.

    How do SDA’s deal with

    “In 1217, a year of Jubilee, the Jewish Rabbi Judah Ben Samuel prophesied about the final 10 Jubilees before the Messianic Kingdom would begin”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for sharing these very important questions. I believe a correct answer to them will provide rich information for a clearer understanding of God’s Word, the Bible.

      Question: Do SDA Christians believe in Replacement Theology – Are they Israel – Has Godt rejected Israel after the 490 yeasrs of Dan 9 – How do you deal with Romans Chapter 9 – 11, the 144000 Jews, the 2 Witnesses in Jerusalem.

      Answer: As a Denomination, yes the Seventh-day Adventist Church does advocate “replacement theology” in which it sees Judah’s rejection of Christ as Israel’s last change to divine favor. As a result, the SDA does hold that it is the counterpart to ancient Israel. I say this is the Denomination’s position, but it is not a clear teaching of the Bible. To the contrary, the Bible teaches that God has not forsaken Israel whom he foreknew (Rom. 11), and “blindness” is happened to them in part, till the fullness of the Gentiles are brought to a knowledge of Messiah.

      The complete Biblical answer to your question has been answered in my article, God Has Not Cast Away Israel, which can be read here: https://wordpress.com/post/sdaprophecies.wordpress.com/84

      I treated this subject during week of Tabernacles, the last great day of which ended for us just last evening, October 23rd, 2016.

      I have heard that 2017 is a Jubilee year, but cannot vouch for it on God’s creation calendar. Also, I note that Jubilee, based on the link you provided, occurs once every 50 years. This method of counting is very flawed, because to get the correct count one has to add 49 years to the previous Jubilee year, and since this was not followed, based on what I read from the great Rabbi’s records, we cannot expect to see any kingdom established in the Holy Land in 2017.

      Prior to the restoration of the Kingdom in Israel, the Bible teaches that there will be a war in the Middle East, in which America will lose out militarily, not because of her inferior armaments and technology, but because of the stroke of the wrath of God (YHWH) upon her. Read about this at my blog post here: https://sdaprophecies.files.wordpress.com/2015/04/why_isthe_middle_east_burning-22.pdf

      Shalom in Messiah


    2. Hello ? … i wish to make a comment here concerning the 490 … at the time this 490 time table was given to Daniel, the jews were given 490 years. at the end of the 490 years, the gospel would go to the gentles … the rome empire and the far east and africa … i got to thinking one day and said, is it possible that this 490 years cycle would repeat its self ? .. so, i did the math work … and discover to my surprise, that it is an mirror image of the “Time and Times and half a time” prophecy .. a Time is 360 years … thus the Time and Times and half a Time comes out to 1260 years … how ever, the 490 cycle is a bit longer … at the end of the 490 years that was given to the Jews, the gospel went to the rome empire. At the end of this second 490 years, which came to an end in the year of 523, a change came over Europe and what was left of the Rome Empire, and the Bible was with drawn from the people by the church of Rome … two cycles 490 years past, and we come to the 1503, the 15th century, the beginning of the great awaking, and the restornation of the Bible to the people … 490 years later, we come to the year of 1993 … i personally do not believe that we will see another 490 years here on earth … the clock is on the midnight hour, and we have only moments, before the heavens shall depart like a scroll and the voice of God, the Holy Father who sits upon the throne of light, declares the day and hour of Christ return. Table has been set, all is ready, and the high priest is waiting for the angel to come and declare to him, that the people have been number and that his work is finish … there aren’t gonna be another ten jubilees … we were given a little over 2000 years and time is wraping up fast … we are standing in the days of Daniel 11:44 … verse 40 was world war 2. verse 44, has to do with out time, and a atomic warfare, with the far east and the north. Then shortly after, our great high priest will stand up … If you wish to contact me directly, here is my email address – kevingrenz6@gmail.com may God gently guide us all in to the true and put his arms around us during the closing days of this world as the sun goes down, and earth history comes to a close and the dawn of eternity breaks … come lord jesus, come and gather us into the enfold of thine own embrace and never ever let us go ….


      1. Hi Kevin:

        Delighted to hear from you. I can say, you are VERY near the truth, my brother! Prise God for that. I’d love to invite you to my weekly Bible Studies on these End Times Prophecies. Here is a foretaste of what we’ve recently studied on Daniel 11, the likes of which, perhaps, you’ve never seen before, from an SDA platform. I’d welcome continued conversations, as well. Here’s a link to my study on Dan. 11: 40 to 12: 3. Here is a link to that study: https://fccdl.in/8LB0l0txwx


  2. Thank you for your information Brother. Do you know why our SDA Hospitals preform abortions and break the 6th commandment for profit? This has bothered me since I found out. Please share you thoughts.


    1. From my analysis, we are in a state of severe apostasy and backsliding. I would recommend for you to read testimonies for the church Volume 5 page 217, and testimonies to ministers pages 90 through 91.

      Let us be faithful in keeping the torch of Truth brightly burning and giving the trumpet very clear, distinct, and certain sound.


      1. Peace

        Brother Garrick, thank you for the work you do.. I’ve been following and reading your writings, Very informative. Especially about what Davidians teach, it’s something I’ve been digging into for awhile, but of course as you know there are many views in Davidian land, and navigating through the different teachings can be confusing, and we know GOD is not an author of confusion.

        With that being said, I’m not sure if all of what you teach is true, and that’s just based on not reading everything you wrote. If you don’t mind, from time to time, I like to pick your brain on certain subjects on different Davidian teachings.
        I was studying the investigative judgment, and it seems to be many different views in regards to this subject. From my understanding SDA don’t teach when this time begins, and some Davidians teach when it did open… I think the Davidians that followed a brother named Roden that teaches that.
        Since your an expert in all these Davidians movements, I was wondering which Davidians teach when the judgment of the living begins… What are your views in regards to this subject?

        Again, thank you for what you do… It makes my investigation of these movements easier. May GOD continue to Bless you and your family.



      2. Dear Friend:
        Thanks for sharing your question, and pardon my delay in responding till now.

        In the main, Davidians do not teach dogmatically that the Judgment of the Living commenced on a specific date, but hold that we are today proclaiming the Judgment for the Living Message. As the message was delivered by a messenger, V.T. Houteff, and no other has arisen since with a message equivalent to the Rod, it is evident that it is the Judgment for the living message. From Houteff’s understanding that event commenced in 1930-1931, with the revelation of the Shepherd’s Rod. I hold the same view.

        There are a few DSDA’s who hold that as Noah was given 120 years to proclaim his message, then SDA’s also were allotted the same amount of time, thereby terminating the Judgment of the dead in 1964. I do not hold that view, as it is primarily a Branch Doctrine, and the most important of all reasons is that Noah preached not for 120 years as is held by most Christians, including VTH and EGW, but he actually preached for 100 years! Mankind was given a lifespan not to exceed 120 years, for in those days “there were Giants in the earth” and they lived for hundreds of years!

        Please let me know if this helps, and most of all, tell me who you are? Are you SDA or DSDA, and which group you call home. It will not influence my views of you if I did not know your Davidian affiliations, so please be comfortable to state your positions.

        Shalom in Messiah,



  3. Peace

    Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to write me back… and I truly mean that. My apologies for the delay as well.
    It’s a pleasure and honor to speak with you. I think it’s amazing how by GOD’S grace the Holy Spirit leads us, and truly amazed He has lead me, a person still trying to get sin out my life. I pray it’s the Holy Spirit that’s leading me and not another spirit. Because, and as you know, there are people who believe things that aren’t true, and believe the Holy Spirit has lead them to believe these things.

    I’m a SDA first, because there can’t be DSDA without the SDA, however I believe things that the Shepherds rod teaches, but not everything is clear to me. Of course trying to get clarity from a group that has many different sects, many different beliefs & characters through its history is tough.

    I’m still putting the positions I have to the test, because there are some well read people that disagree with what I believe to be true, so I keep putting things to the test. That’s why I like the online name Reasoning, because that’s all I’m doing.
    I agree with things you teach, but wasn’t sure on your position on the commencement of the Judgment of the living… which I believe is different than having the message of the Judgment of the living. I also believe the commencement can’t be the time when the men with the slaughter weapon do their work, because I don’t believe the Judgment of the living can start with the executive part, there must be an investigation first. Also, I believe GOD does nothing until HE informs HIS saints. Knowing when the Judgment of the dead ends and when the Judgment of the living begins is important. Can we agree?

    VTH wrote: “When the judgment opened in 1844, as previously explained, the investigation began with the dead, and when that part of the work is finished, then commences the judgment of the living. While the investigation for the congregation of the dead is in progress, there can be no separation among the congregation of the living. But when our High Priest shall begin the atonement for the living, there must be a message of present truth—sounding of the trumpet—urging every one to lay hold on the Lamb of God (Christ) by which only, can he in figure, come to the sanctuary, confess his sin and secure his life. Unless the close of the judgment for the dead and the commencement for the living be made known to us, we would have no present truth while the judgment for the living is in session. Neither would such judgment be legal or just. He who fails to respond to the heavenly summons, will be left without the seal or covering of God, and therefore must be cut off from among His people, as prefigured by the services in the typical day of atonement.” SR2: 164

    Just quickly on another subject, What you teach in regards to David our King seems to be on point, something SDA believe as well, even though the timeline is off with many SDA… My understanding is that most Davidians believe it’s either VTH or someone other than Jesus as David. Of course they go to VTH statement that says Jesus is never called David. But the book ‘Behold your King’ explained why never can’t mean never, it’s because of the fact that prophetically Jesus is called David, and EGW/SOP confirmes it.
    My question, and it’s not to downplay the truth he had, but was VTH wrong in believing the prophecies that speaks of David the King was not talking about Jesus. Because from what I read, he was specifically talking about these prophecies, he seemed sure it wasn’t Jesus.
    I understand the explanation the book gives, that we have to know in what context Jesus is never called David, and he (VTH) is not speaking about after the resurrection, but before.

    I’m just wondering if it was possible he just misunderstood these prophecies?

    Again, I asked that because VTH is talking specifically about the prophecies concerning David our King, and he says it’s not Jesus. But on the other hand, I read from him where he places Jesus in the Kingdom, sitting on the Throne of David, on earth before probation closes. Perhaps you can explain this for me.

    Have a Blessed Sabbath Day! Thank you.


    1. Shabbat Shalom, Friend in Messiah:

      Glad to converse with you on any kindred topic, most notably those touching the King! HalleluYah to His blessed name!

      In the second volume of my book, I will address more directly your question but will provide a working answer here. You inquired, “was VTH wrong in believing the prophecies that [speak] of David the King was not talking about Jesus.”

      When dealing with an inspired servant of God, I am most cautious to make such an absolute statement as “wrong,” as the enemy uses it to his advantage, and to the destruction of the Truth that Br. Houteff bore. I will, however, moderate it accordingly:

      Br. Houteff believed, like Paul and all the prophets, that he would be alive to see the kingdom come in glory, and went to his grave with that expectation. As the one who was blessed with the truth of the restored kingdom, he reasoned that being the one to disseminate this Truth, he would be employed by God in a continued teaching capacity! That said, as he grew in his knowledge of the Shepherd’s Rod, he was led to understand that Jesus Christ ALONE will be king! His initial shortsightedness to this work of Christ does not diminish the work God has called him to, but only makes more manifest the truth of Scripture, “20 *Despise not prophesyings.* 21 *Prove all things;* hold fast [to] that which is [proved as being] good [for doctrine].” 1 Thess. 5: 201, 21.

      I took the liberty to enclose my understanding of the Holy Spirit’s counsel through Paul, to show how I understand that passage, and it has helped me to see both Br. Houteff and Sister White, first as humans, and secondly as inspired instruments of God, who under varying circumstances have been used to disclose to us truth’s that only come from the throne of God. In other instances, such as, “a Christmas such that Heaven can approve of,” “Old Jerusalem will NEVER again be built up,” and “food for worms,” statements, these have shown her human foibles, and should not erase the grand work that God has wrought through her pen.

      In these instances, rather than bluntly stating she was “wrong” and dismiss all else that she has taught, would be to play in the Devil’s hands, for to none, no matter how highly favored of heaven, has God revealed his whole counsel, and they have proven to be all erring men and women. Moses, sinned regarding the identity of the one who would cause water to gush from the rock, and unwisely took upon himself the authority and position of YHWH, and was severely punished for it [not to the loss of his soul]. I believe when the roll in called up yonder, it will be reported by God that VTH had taken too much to himself, and was laid to rest for this, as was Moses. As a result, then, it demands that every present truth believer “proves all things” that are taught by any purported prophet, and hold fast only to those areas that are “proven,” and validated by the Holy Spirit in all the bearings of the messages of truth He has opened unto us.

      This attitude of openness and honesty will resonate better with a sinner, or an opponent of either White or Houteff, but to seek to cover their foibles, and make them infallible, as many DSDA Associations have tried to do over the years, will only demonstrate hypocrisy, and resistance to the great body of Truth they were blessed to uncover for us to now see.

      On the direct question of antitypical David, I not only believe, as a personal view but KNOW from the authority of the blessed Holy Bible that NO redeemed human being will be called the antitypical David! For God to restore the office of “a human king,” to which he was so vehemently opposed, as a symbol of His own rejection, would be to demonstrate fallibility, inconsistency, and confusion on His part! He would need to write an open letter of apology to ancient Israel for so offendingly chastize them! Further, should YHWH restore that which was not there “from the beginning,” would be to give the victory in the Great Controversy over sin in the hands of the Devil, for it was Satan who inspired Israel, in the first place, to beckon for a king, so they could be “like the other [God-hating] nations! Finally, for God to place a redeemed human being upon David’s throne, in the restored pre-millennial kingdom, would be the equivalent of Him today endorsing same-gender marriage, on account of Obama’s push to have it legalized in America and around the world, in spite of his destruction of ancient Sodom and Gomorrah! In each case, God would be required to write an open letter of apology to the ancient Sodomites, for his wrath against them, on account of his end-time reversal to now accept as righteous, holy, and good, that which He deplored, and righteously incinerated!

      I will say more in my book, but I believe that which is posted here is sufficient to make the point to both the hater and lover of the precious Shepherd’s Rod. The challenge Davidians face today, is one of honesty! Will we be honest enough to teach the TRUTH in its purity, even when we will have to disagree with either or both prophets in some aspects because the Bible has given us the last word?

      There are many ministries today that are quite popular, who advocate the infallibility of EGW, and they are only setting themselves up for a great disappointment! I say the same concerning our DSDA brethren, they are setting themselves up for a great disappointment. And, whereas VTH and EGW erred in some areas of their understanding, and brought clarity later, these stubborn ones who prefer to hold on to “statements” rather than setting the Bible in its rightful place and the Final arbiter of Truth, will be disappointed, in the end, and risk their souls at that, for they did not improve upon the light which shone upon their pathway, by “proving all things” and holding fast to that which is proven, but gullibly accepted and all things without the divine test of “proving,” and so will be considered unfaithful and disobedient servants!

      A passage that many DSDA’s love to quote is this: “Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but he revealeth *his secret* unto his servants *the prophets.*” Amos 3, 7. I have NEVER, however, seen or heard them quote the following one, “*The secret of the LORD* is with *them that fear him*; and he will shew them *his covenant,*” [Ps. 25: 14], even “the sure mercies of David.” (Isa. 55: 4).

      Shalom in Messiah.


  4. Peace

    Thank you, appreciate your time.. In a nutshell, you believe VTH “erred” in regards the prophecies concerning David our King, but that doesn’t mean we throw the baby out with the bath water. It doesn’t mean we throw out the truth he did have because his understanding erred in regards to this particular subject. Is that correct?

    You mentioned the examples from EGW, and her erring on certain statements..

    You wrote, “..such as, “a Christmas such that Heaven can approve of,” “Old Jerusalem will NEVER again be built up,” and “food for worms,” statements, these have shown her human foibles, and should not erase the grand work that God has wrought through her pen.

    I still agree with your overall point, however I like to test to see if EGW did err… I’m not trying to promote her as being infallible either, just want to see if it’s true that she erred in the statements you gave.

    The statement talking about Christmas, in its context wasn’t advocating the date Dec.25th, the day the world call Christmas. From what I get, she’s explaining how even through the date of Dec.25th is not ordained by GOD, we should use the time shouldn’t be hard on the children when this time comes around. Instead of the vanity that comes with the date, turn their minds towards the salvation of souls.

    EGW : “…. you will find it a difficult matter to pass over this period [Christmas] without giving it some attention. It can be made to serve a very good purpose. The youth should be treated very carefully. They should not be left on Christmas to find their own amusement in vanity and pleasure-seeking, in amusements which will be detrimental to their spirituality. Parents can control this matter by turning the minds and the offerings of their children to God and his cause and the salvation of souls.”

    From what I get, she is saying the day known as Christmas by the world, let’s use this time (Christmas) that Heaven can approve of… What do you think?

    EGW : “Old Jerusalem will NEVER again be built up,”

    In regards to this statement, where did she err?

    EGW: “Then I was pointed to some who are in the great error of believing that it is their duty to go to Old Jerusalem, and think they have a work to do there before the Lord comes. Such a view is calculated to take the mind and interest from the present work of the Lord, under the message of the third angel; for those who think that they are yet to go to Jerusalem will have their minds there, and their means will be withheld from the cause of present truth to get themselves and others there.” EW p.75

    Is it a teaching of the Davidians that the old Jerusalem will be built up?

    Reading the context, it doesn’t seems she is saying Jerusalem won’t be a place where the saints are never going, but that time wasn’t the time. EGW said they “think they have a work to do there BEFORE the Lord comes”… Which I would agree with, and it applies for today as well, even though the pre-millennal Kingdom will be set up in Jerusalem, it doesn’t mean we should be flocking there right now.
    Also, EGW said “…those who think that they are YET to go to Jerusalem..”, which means to me the time is not now, not yet, but it will come… and we need to preach present truth to get others “there”, to Jerusalem.

    The food for worms statement, on the surface she erred, but not really, of course this is my view, and will always accept being corrected if I’m wrong… EGW didn’t really err because Jesus would’ve come in that time, but because of sins amongst the SDA people it didn’t happen. She explains that to us in her writings.

    When we comes to VTH understanding on who David the King would be, he says it will not be Jesus. You believed he erred in this understanding, and

    You wrote: “That said, as he grew in his knowledge of the Shepherd’s Rod, he was led to understand that Jesus Christ ALONE will be king! His initial shortsightedness to this work of Christ does not diminish the work God has called him to,..”

    Please forgive me, since there are things I’m still learning, I must ask questions to help me understand better… Where can I find where VTH explained his “shortsightedness” in understanding the prophecies of David the King? Is there anywhere he said brothers and sisters I have erred in regards to this subject, this is where I was “led” to now, and this is the correct understanding?

    I’m just going by what you tell me, you said VTH was “..led to understand that Jesus Christ ALONE will be King!”… and that initially he was shortsighted. So I would assume upon this most amazing revelation, VTH would have written on the misunderstanding in previous writings and correction.

    Im not sure, was your last paragraph the response to my questions in regards to end of the Judgment of the dead & the commencement of the Judgment of the living?

    VTH wrote: “When the judgment opened in 1844, as previously explained, the investigation began with the dead, and when that part of the work is finished, then commences the judgment of the living. While the investigation for the congregation of the dead is in progress, there can be no separation among the congregation of the living. But when our High Priest shall begin the atonement for the living, there must be a message of present truth—sounding of the trumpet—urging every one to lay hold on the Lamb of God (Christ) by which only, can he in figure, come to the sanctuary, confess his sin and secure his life. Unless the close of the judgment for the dead and the commencement for the living be made known to us, we would have no present truth while the judgment for the living is in session. Neither would such judgment be legal or just. He who fails to respond to the heavenly summons, will be left without the seal or covering of God, and therefore must be cut off from among His people, as prefigured by the services in the typical day of atonement.” SR2: 164

    The “commencement” of the Judgment of the living… which I believe is different than having the message of the Judgment of the living. I also believe the commencement can’t be the time when the men with the slaughter weapon do their work, because I don’t believe the Judgment of the living can start with the executive part, there must be an investigation first. Also, I believe GOD does nothing until HE informs HIS saints. Knowing when the Judgment of the dead ends and when the Judgment of the living begins is important, legal and just, just like VTH said. This can’t be a secret. Can we agree?

    You wrote, “As the message was delivered by a messenger, V.T. Houteff, and no other has arisen since with a message equivalent to the Rod, it is evident that it is the Judgment for the living message. From Houteff’s understanding that event commenced in 1930-1931, with the revelation of the Shepherd’s Rod. I hold the same view.”

    Just want to make sure I’m understanding you correctly, your saying the message VTH gave was in regards to when the Judgment of the dead ended and Judgment of the living commenced, which is in 1930-1931?

    Once again, thank you for your time… and my apologies for all the questions. I pray you have a good evening! Blessings!


    1. Pardon, I just noticed your post here. I will respond later. Thanks for sharing. Shalom.

      I observe Pentecost next Sunday, for that is the true day of Pentecost. I made a computational error in the date and have since corrected it. Since Passover was the 20th, the morrow after the Sabbath would be Sunday the 28th of April; adding 49 days to that date yields Sunday June 16th.


      1. Peace

        You wrote: “I observe Pentecost next Sunday, for that is the true day of Pentecost. I made a computational error in the date and have since corrected it. Since Passover was the 20th, the morrow after the Sabbath would be Sunday the 28th of April; adding 49 days to that date yields Sunday June 16th.”

        Yes, I understand, however I like to question that if you don’t mind, I want to be absolutely sure. How do you figure the morrow after the weekly Sabbath was on the 28th?

        I thought that would be on the 21st of April…. Because sundown on April to 20th was the next day after the 7th Day weekly Sabbath. The 21st was the morrow after the Sabbath.

        Lev.23:9 And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying, 10 “Speak to the people of Israel and say to them, When you come into the land that I give you and reap its harvest, you shall bring the sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest, 11 and he shall wave the sheaf before the Lord, so that you may be accepted. On the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it.

        In the past when they came across the time, when the 1st Day of the Passover days fell on the 7th Day weekly Sabbath, I’m thinking two things had to happen on the second day (Sunday), first, the people had to present the first fruits of the years harvest before GOD and bring it to the priest, then on the same day the priest would have to wave the sheaf before the alter of GOD.

        EGW wrote: “The Passover was followed by the seven day’s feast of unleavened bread. The first and the seventh day were days of holy convocation, when no servile work was to be performed. On the second day of the feast, the first fruits of the year’s harvest were presented before God. Barley was the earliest grain in Palestine, and at the opening of the feast it was beginning to ripen. A sheaf of this grain was waved by the priest before the altar of God, as an acknowledgment that all was His. Not until this ceremony had been performed was the harvest to be gathered.” PP p. 539

        If the 1st day of the Passover days was on a Monday, then on Tuesday the people brought the grain to the priest, and the priest would have to wait until the day after 7th day weekly Sabbath to wave it.

        In a nutshell, my question is, how did you figure April 21st wasn’t the morrow after the 7th day weekly Sabbath, which was on the 20th of April?

        Also, wouldn’t the morrow after the 7th day weekly Sabbath on April 28th be after the Passover days? I thought the morrow after the 7th day weekly Sabbath would have to fall within the days of Passover, no?

        Blessings! 🙂


  5. Peace

    Happy Day of Pentecost!!!

    Just wondering, Are you still conversing with me? I hope I didn’t say anything to offend you, if so, my apologies. I pray you have a blessed day!



  6. You seemingly back and promote the teachings of my church yet your teachings are flawed and misrepresent what she teaches.

    This ministry is as an offshoot because of the spirit and error mingling truth with error.

    SDA? No. This is not from God’s 6,000 year old, church. I must say and we are The Israel of God. Israel that is spoken under the new covenant. If you understand the scriptures there are two covenants that existed in which one was done away with due to Israel, according to the flesh, broke. In Daniel she, Israel of old was given a time of probation to be restored and to be God’s favored people eternally. They never fulfilled their part so as a nation they forfeited their privilege. Paul writes of this throughout the New Testament. And now it is gone to the Gentiles and the Jews who receive God’s New Covenant and they are Israel. In the book of Revelation we are told there is a woman which means God’s church being persecuted. The devil is wroth with her and went to make war with her and “the remnant of her seed.” This remnant is the Seventh-day Church. If prophecy is studied through the books of Daniel and Revelation you and all will see that this group of people came into history at the appropriate time as mentioned.


    1. Hi Dorian:

      I appreciate your feedback. I was not aware that you had a church, and I arrived at this conclusion from your admission of same: “You seemingly back and promote the teachings of my church.” LOL

      Seriously though, I know of what you speak, and you represent a died-in-the-wool Seventh-day Adventist. I have had great delight in conversing with members of our Faith, and realize that we have been misguided in some cardinal areas of the Scriptures.

      Your contention, for example, that the New Covenant is made between God and the Gentiles, demonstrates that level of ignorance that has been baked into your foundational understanding of the Scriptures, so, lets you feel that I am attacking you, let me call your attention to the Bible passage you are alluding to:

      “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:” Jer 31:31

      I am hoping that you did not see the word “Gentiles” in this passage, but instead the houses of “Israel and Judah” only! Paul, in Hebrews 8: 8, has reproduced this passage similarly, being careful to never mention the word/name Gentiles!

      Drilling down deeper under this New Covenant in Jeremiah’s prophecy, look at this statement, which NO traditional Seventh-day Adventist can handle without setting a razor blade to the Scriptures:

      “35 ¶ Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name: 36 If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever. 37 Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD. 38 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that the city shall be built to the LORD from the tower of Hananeel unto the gate of the corner.” Jer. 31: 35-38

      Here God challenges all humanity, and especially so SDA Theologians: Will he break his covenant and cast off the seed of Abraham from being restored in the Holy Land under the New Covenant? Yes, says the SDA, but they so in open rebellion to the promises of God. There is much more that could be stated here, but I’ll pause for now.

      I look forward to our continued conversation, if you so desire, for I believe it will be quite beneficial to us both, as well as the reading public.

      Shalom in Messiah,


  7. SDA? No. This is not from God’s 6,000 year old, church. I must say and we are The Israel of God. Israel that is spoken under the new covenant. If you understand the scriptures there are two covenants that existed in which one was done away with due to Israel, according to the flesh, broke. In Daniel she, Israel of old was given a time of probation to be restored and to be God’s favored people eternally. They never fulfilled their part so as a nation they forfeited their privilege. Paul writes of this throughout the New Testament. And now it is gone to the Gentiles and the Jews who receive God’s New Covenant and they are Israel. In the book of Revelation we are told there is a woman which means God’s church being persecuted. The devil is wroth with her and went to make war with her and “the remnant of her seed.” This remnant is the Seventh-day Church. If prophecy is studied through the books of Daniel and Revelation you and all will see that this group of people came into history at the appropriate time as mentioned.


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